Children and Youth Information Form 2025

Please complete the following form for all young people from pre-school to grade 12 who will be participating in Sunday morning Crèche, Mum Co, Children and Youth activities during 2025 organised by Devonport Church of Christ.

The following information will help us offer responsible care for your child. Please provide any information that will help leaders ensure the safety of your child. Please notify us of any changes as soon as possible.

Student Details

Tip: For those who are home-schooled please say so.

Parent/Guardian Information

Emergency Contact Information - Please list someone not listed above

For Ignite Kids please list the name and contact details of the adult that your child attends church with if they don’t come with their parent/guardian

Please attach any other information you would like us to know, to help care for you child(ren).

Extra Permissions (Not compulsory and only valid if ticked)

At Children & Youth Events photos or videos may be taken. These media items may be used in sensitive & appropriate ways for promotional material of the church. This includes but is not limited to, brochures, websites, PowerPoint presentations, displays, advertising and other printed/electronic material.


By submitting this form you are consenting to the following:

I consent to the leaders acquiring for this child medical services necessary in the event of an emergency; and agree to pay all associated medical expenses incurred on behalf of this child.

I give permission for my child to participate in Children & Youth Group activities that may include but is not limited to: trips around the local area with church approved drivers*, water activities, bonfires, ball sports and others. I understand that by my child attending youth events, consent has been given for them to participate in the activities planned.
Please note: Certain events will require separate permission forms.

I understand that my child needs to be signed in and out of events by an adult

For any issues or questions regarding these policies please contact James Kennedy on:
Church office - 64243441
Email -

Please note that this form must be filled out by the student's legal parent/guardian.